Thursday, June 28, 2012

This is a neat product that I found at for a creative typography. I am hoping to purchase this soon. It looks amazing! Karen's blog has lots of great ideas on the blog as well as neat giveaways.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Tonia. How nice to meet a Sister in the Lord Jesus Christ who shares my love for crafting. I appreciate your support. I wanted to let you know about my Christian Challenge Blog called Word Art Wednesday. We have a great blog that offers fellowship, fun and challenges with awesome prizes where you can share your art. I would LOVE to have you share your art and link it up in our challenges. We offer free scripture word art files each week that you can right click, save to your computer, and use on your projects if you like. I would LOVE to have you join us, but want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship in Christ Jesus. I just prayed for you, and wish the very best for you that God has to offer His children. Thanks for being a blessing.
    Karen L


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